7 Cannibal Tribes of The world's Most Dangerous

Here is a unique information from the seven most dangerous tribe of cannibals in the world that until now its presence still exists.

The Carib
The name of this tribe that became the term for people who eat other people. This note is the first tribe in the world who do practice cannibalism. By ordinary sailors called "The Carib people of the Lesser Antilles."

This name given by Columbus on his record with the name "caniba" (which is another word for Kariba which means "people who eat people").

The Caribbean tribes usually do cannibalism to the enemy, but since the introduction of Christianity there, the culture slowly began to disappear.

The Aztec
Aztecs no doubt as the most brutal tribes before the discovery of the American continent by Columbus. They do use a human sacrifice thousands each year. Victims are usually revoked his heart is still beating whilst in a state of life. Then his body to eat dishes made abuzz.

The Native Americans
In the early days of the conquest of the American continent, many historians recalled that Indian tribes in America to practice cannibalism. Although it is still a debate, but many who claim to have evidence kanibalesme practices by Indian tribes.

For example karankawa Indian tribes in Texas, in the year 1768 a priest who came from Spain to witness and record the ritual performed karankawa held hostage to the enemy. They surrounded the victim and in turn cut the skin / flesh of his victim and ate his victim in front of the eye.

The africans
This continent is a continent that still may be practiced cannibalism until recently. Although invisible never seen, many eyewitnesses reported the existence of human organ trading activities there.

Accompanied by evidence that many migrants missing while on vacation / pass there. Usually geng2 kidnappings carried out by criminals. Also mentioned, during the second Congo war and civil war in Liberia and Sierra Leone frequent acts of cannibalism there.

Cultural cannibalism is also known to have spread in the region and melanisia.sebagai example Polynesia, Fiji is known as a chieftain of the island of fiji kanibalisme.seorang admitted 875 people have been consuming and very proud of it.

The Korowai
Korowai tribe in Papua, Indonesia is known as the tribes that still remaining in the world and to cannibalism to the present. They usually eat his tribe member suspected of being witches. Usually they eat while still in a state of his brain warm. Their residence, usually located above the tall tree is useful to protect from his enemies.

The Maori
Maori in New Zealand is a tribe of cannibals who have documented very well. Cannibalism has been a part of Maori culture and they never stop to eat their enemies. When the British ship, The Boyd, anchored and the crew killed the son of the head of the Maori, the Maori warrior take revenge by killing and eating 66 crew of the ship. This event is finally known as the "body massacre."

Source: muhalz.blogspot.com

The Negative Impact of Wi-Fi Signals to Our Body

Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity), better known as wireless local networks are becoming increasingly popular, especially in developed countries and the developing world. With wi-fi network of people able to enter the Internet without the hassle of connecting cables from the computer to a phone line.

It is nice yes if kitaberada in existing lungkungan his wi-fi (such as my school). But careful careful siyal have wi-fi influence is also against our bodies. Want to know?

Behind the convenience offered wi-fi, there is some belief that consider public wi-fi has a negative impact on health. Those who do not agree with the presence of wi-fi electro-magnetic radiation from unreasonable wi-fi can cause pain in the head, sleep disturbances and nausea, especially for those who electrosensitive. Wi-fi but is harmful to health?

Fear of adverse effects on health wi-fi is countered British scientists. As expressed by Sir William Stewart, chairman of the Health Protection Agency, told the BBC Panorama Programme, there was nothing to worry about with wi-fi technology. There's no definitive proof that mentioned, devices such as mobile phones and wi-fi health causes disturbed.

Similar Professor Lawrie Challis also disclosed, from Nottingham University. In a statement on the BBC, Monday (05/21), Professor Challis, who served as chairman of Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) said: "electro-magnetic radiation from Wi-fi is very small, low-power transmitter as well, besides there is still a distance with the body.

"It could be electro-magnetic radiation is very close to the body, when we assume the laptop, but in my pengamaatan each parent will ask their children not to get too often use their phones and always asked them to put the laptop on the table, not in your lap, if they are surfing for too long. "

To support this statement, the BBC Panorama team visited a school in Norwich, which has a thousand students, and try to compare the levels of radiation from mobile phones and wi-fi use in the classroom. The results show a wi-fi radiation in a classroom three times larger than the jet issued cell phone.

But health experts say psychic Professor Malcolm Sperrin wi-fi signal greater than three times the radiation of mobile phones in a school still relevant, because it has not found the impact on health.

"Wi-fi is a technology that uses radio waves, electro magnetic low, which is comparable to microwave ovens, even one hundred thousand times lower than the microwave."

The type of radiation emitted by radio waves (wi-fi), microwaves, and phones has significantly increased the level of tissue temperature is very high, commonly called a thermal interaction, but there is still no evidence of such levels cause damage.

Health Protection Agency says sitting in a room that has a hotspot for a year comparable to the radio waves emitted during a conversation with the phone for twenty minutes.

"Radio waves are part of our lives for almost a century or more, but if there is a significant disruption to health, there must be studies that will be recorded, and during these various studies have yet to find evidence of transmission of wi-fi for your health.

Similar is also supported by Professor Will J Stewart, fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, who said: "Science has studied the effect of mobile phone pengetahunan for health over the years and fears of the impact that mobile phone radiation is still very small.

"So also with a wi-fi, if used within reasonable limits there would be no effect on health in a long time. But that does not mean all the electro-magnetic radiation are harmless, such as sunlight proven cause of skin cancer, so if you're using a laptop while sunbathing on the beach, it's good to find a shady place, "added Sperrin who said up to now there is still no sufficient evidence berarrti lot will negatively impact the wi-fi.

But more are feared Sperrin not on wi-fi wave, but the behavior in the use of laptops, and laptop heat generated in some sensitive parts of the body, which has an impact on health.

Source: artikelbebasku.co.cc


10 World's Unique Plants

Plants are a diverse and unique creatures. There was a sensational, unique, and fierce. Here's a strange and unique plants in the world:

1. Welwitschia Mirabilis (The World's Strongest Plants)
It did not plant this one great plasticity, but the original plant was indeed remarkable Namibia, only one. This plant has only two leaves and a stem and root system, only that aja.

But these two leaves continue to grow until eventually an Alien-like plants in the world. The longer the stem of these plants may become more bold, but not raised, the maximum height of this plant is only 2 meters but can reach 8 meters in width.

Age of these plants can reach 400 until the 15th century. Can survive without rain for five years. Moreover, plants in Namibia called Onyanga proved tasty to eat good eaten raw or cooked in the coals. Meaning of the name is Onion Onyanga Desert!

2. Dionaea Muscipula (Carnivores Plants)
This is one of the most famous carnivorous plants, because the activity and efficiency in trapping prey. The couple "leaves" which is characteristic of this plant is a trap that has an ultra-sensitive hair, who can feel the existence of small animals or insects are coming.

Once the hair on this leaf is touched, then the leaves will close up and trap any animal that approached him.

3. Rafflesia Arnoldii (The World's Largest Flowers)
Great interest that this rare extraordinary attention in the world. Imagine the size of the flowers that can reach one meter and its weight can reach 8 kg to 12 kg.

But the problem is not fragrant smell, even closer to rotting meat. Hence the interest is called carrion flower in our country, which is the original habitat of this flower. These flowers will bloom a week or three days, and attract insects to fertilize with the stench emitted by the flowers. Unfortunately, the result of fertilization, only 10-20 percent of it managed to grow.

4. Desmodium Gyrans (Dance Plants)
Charles Darwin called this plant as Hedysarum, or the botanist called Desmodium Gyrans, or of more modern Motorius Codariocalyx.

Commonly known name is Grass Dancing (Dancing Grass), or Plant Semaphores (Semaphores Plant), because the movement of leaves, similar to a semaphore signal sender's hand movements. This plant grows very easily, just need sun and water alone without the need for complex fertilizers.

5. Euphorbia Obesa (Baseball Plants)
This plant is endemic plants in the area of the Great Karoo, South Africa. Because a funny shape, many fans ended up taking this crop plants and mengkoleksinya, so that the population is severely damaged. Eventually these plants protected by the government of South Africa.

6. Amorphophallus Titanum (Carrion Flower)
Interest on this one big high, even higher than that of humans. Well .. This interest is apparently a corpse flower nicknamed, because other than that it smells like a corpse, also mimic rotting flesh color. This interest was also widely known in the world community as one of the plants native to Indonesia.

7. Baobab (Bottle Plants)
This tree is a native plant of Madagascar, Africa and Australia. This tree is called a bottle tree, because other than that it looked like the bottle shape, this tree is indeed able to store up to 300 liters of water? Why can grow up to 500 years!

8. Dracaena Cinnabari (Dragon Blood Platns)

This plant native Socotra archipelago. This tree is known by the name of the Dragon Blood Tree or Socotra Dragon Tree. The form is unique, like an umbrella, it was just one of these unique trees.

The name of the dragon's blood was taken from this tree sap of this tree is red. Apparently 'dragon's blood' from this tree is useful for the treatment. In addition, it turns out red 'dragon's blood' This tree is also often used as a natural red dye.

9. Selaginella Lepidophylla (Resurrection Plants)
Another name of this flower is the Flower of Jericho, a desert plant is known for its ability to survive even in times of drought. During the dry season, the stems will shrink and roll into balls. And once there is water, this rod would break away from the roll. This plant can be easily found in the Chihuahua desert.

10. Hura Brasiliensis (Dynamite Plants)
This plant is one plant was derived from the Amazon rain forest. Another nickname, Tree of Hell, or there is also dubbed Tree Sand Box (sandbox tree).

Just imagine, the stems covered with sharp thorns, and it was like that, apparently poisonous sap of this tree and is widely used by local residents to poison their arrowheads.

In addition, they also have fruit. And the fruit of this tree is not playing games, so ripe, the fruit of this tree will explode! Even the explosive force of this tree can injure people and animals who accidentally passed near this tree! hence the name like that.

Source: Apakabardunia.com


Today more and more American women choose not to have children than three decades ago. "Almost 20 percent of older women who do not have children, compared with 10 percent in the 1970s," said Pew Research Center. "In recent decades, the social pressure to play the traditional roles have been reduced in many ways and there are more opportunities for personal choice. It can play a role in reducing the pressure for people to marry and raise children," said D'Vera Cohn, a writer joint report.

"Women have more choice compared to the past to build strong careers, and apply the option to not have children," Cohn said in an electronic mail. Findings in the report was based on data from the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey (Census Bureau Population Survey). Cohn said that another reason for the increasing number of women who did not want the child are children regarded by some as less important for a successful marriage. Results Pew survey in 2007 found that 41 percent of adults say the children is essential for a good marriage, down from 65 percent in 1990. One in five white women aged 40-44 years do not have children in 2008, compared with 17 percent black and Hispanic women and 16 percent of Asian women. Between 1994 and 2008, numbers of black and Hispanic women who did not have increased by almost a third child, far higher than the increase of 11 percent in white women.

Education also seems to be one factor in a woman's choice to become mothers. The more educated women, the higher the rejection rate for having children. Make a woman who just pocketed the high school diploma, that figure is 17 percent, compared with 24 percent in women younger people with a bachelor's degree. But the number of women who do not have children has fallen on women who have a bachelor's degree from 31 percent in 1994 to be 24 percent in 2008. 

According to economic experts, many highly educated women have more opportunities to be economically achieved by giving priority to their careers, compared to women who are less educated. "The most highly educated women also tend to marry at an older age and delay having children until they are older age than those who were less educated," said Cohn.

Source: Kompas.com

10 Prehistoric Fish That Still Living Up Right Now

Not all fish are derived from prehistoric times it was extinct, but there also are still alive and could be seen up to now. That may dipengarhui by the ability of fish can adapt to extreme environmental change. It is also influenced by the ability to find prey and survive from the onslaught of other predators. Well here is a prehistoric fish that are still alive today.

1. Hagfish

According to fossil records, hagfish have been around for more than 300 million years, which means they are old as the dinosaurs take over the world! Found in the waters, these animals are sometimes called slime eels, but they're not familia, eels, and even they may not fish at all.

According to some scientists, they are very strange animals in all cases, they have the skull but did not have a backbone, and they have two brains.

Nearly blind, they eat at night on animal carcasses large (fish, whales, etc.) that fall into the seabed. They use their mucus that can produce substances that Slimey to damage the gills of fish predators; from thence, they have almost no natural enemies.

2. Lancetfish
Lancetfish or fish knife (in Unread Indonesua) has a clear appearance was "very prehistoric", jaw and teeth on display in his back which is very sharp, reminiscent to some of the dinosaurs (although, in this screen lancetfish really an enlarged dorsal fin).

Even the scientific name sounded dinosaurian (Alepisaurus ferox). With a length that reached two meters (6 '6 "), these predators can be found in all oceans except the polar regions; very greedy, they eat small fish and squid, they sometimes also eat a fellow of the community.

3. Arowana
According to an ancient group Osteoglossids, these fish already exist in the Jurassic period. Currently, they can be found on Amazon, and in some parts of Africa, Asia and Australia.

Sometimes kept as exotic pets, the arowana is a voracious predator that can eat the small animals they catch, including birds and bats which they catch in mid flight (they can jump up to 2 meters (6 '6 ") into the air).

In China, the arowana is known as "dragon fish" because of their appearance, and they are considered bearers of luck / Good Fortune.

4. Frilled Shark
There are deep-sea Predator, one of the most primitive living shark shark alive today, They are a relic of the Cretaceous period, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

Rarely seen alive, and only recently filmed for the first time, this frilly shark can grow to two meters (6 '6 ") (with larger females than males) and they live in deep water, most food They are squid.

They are not harmful to humans, and the facts reveal, these sharks spend their entire lives without seeing human beings. Only when dead or dying specimens can be seen and recorded by fishermen or scientists.

5. Sturgeon
This fish is already in the early Jurassic era, the sturgeon has been known as one of the main source of caviar (made from eggs or egg masses); because of overfishing, fish armored nan highly endangered population of this magnificent present.

Largest sturgeon species can grow to 6 meters (19 '7 "), as big as the great white shark the most, they feed on small animals from the seabed and not cause danger to humans, unless provoked by (although they are so great, they are not threaten human beings, even hunted down and abused, and even murdered by people who are not responsible!)

6. Arapaima
They are close relatives to arowana (see # 8), Arapaima Amazon sometimes regarded as the largest freshwater fish in the world. According to early descriptions, they can grow up to 4.5 meters (14 '8 ") in length, but this time, big fish like this are rarely found and most Arapaima average adult length of 2 meters (6 '6").

This slow-moving predators that prey on small fish, crustaceans and all the small animals that may come in their mouths. One of the highlights of this fish is that they need to breathe the air, such as cetaceans, to survive.

Arapaima not cause harm to humans and they are often hunted for their meat, unfortunately, they are very rare today. Arapaima that emerged in the Miocene period, has many old families, Osteoglossidae, and therefore its origin can be traced back to the dinosaur age.

7. Sawfish
These animals are the victims of the Cretaceous period, and can be found either at sea or in rivers and creeks, and has been found up to 100 km inland.

With a length Up to 7 meters (23 '), "Saw" they are weapons and sensory organs, covered on the electro-sensitive pores that allow to feel the prey despite a very difficult sight.

Although usually good sawfish can become very dangerous when provoked. Based on an extraordinary fossils, we know that prehistoric giant sawfish may be a staple food for the largest carnivorous dinosaur, Spinosaurus, part of the spine of the fish was found trapped between the dinosaur teeth.

8. Alligator Gar
This thick scaly great predators found in the U.S. south, north and east of Mexico, becoming the largest freshwater fish in North America (though sometimes they wander into the sea). They can grow to 4 meters (13 ') long and weigh up to 200 kg (440 pounds).

Gator Gars their so called, because they look like reptiles with long jaws, armed with two rows of sharp teeth. They are voracious predators that lunge directly and has been known as the Biter superhuman, but no confirmed record of causing death due to current Gator Gars. Gars is one of the oldest fish living today, their origin can be traced back into the Cretaceous period.

9. Polypterus Senegalus
African fish is often called the dinosaur eel, because their appearance resembles a reptile with a serrated dorsal fins, reminiscent of some barbed pungunggnya dinosaur. But they do not include familia eels, they are a member of Familia bichir.

They are often sold as exotic pets, dinosaur eel is often out of the fish tank (Aquarium) them. They can survive out of water for a long time as long as they remain moist skin, which allows them to wander away from the tank (Aquarium) them.

10. Coelacanth
Coelacanth is the most famous of all the "living fossil" and deserve to be no. One in this list, because this is the best example of the Lazarus effect, these are animals that should have been long extinct.

These fish should have been extinct in the Cretaceous period, along with the dinosaurs, but in 1938, a living specimen was caught in South Africa. Since then, examined more specimens have been seen and photographed, and even the second coelacanth species found in Indonesia in 1999.

This is a large predatory fish, with a length reaching 2 meters (6 '6 "), they eat smaller fish, including small sharks, and are usually found in deep, dark waters. Although rarely captured and consumed because it tastes terrible, the king of this highly threatened marine fish populations.

Source : Apakabardunia.com


The Tears Wonders

Who said there's no point in weeping? Over time it can make eyes crying red and swollen. But make no mistake, cry and shed tears turned out to be a wonder drug which could be useful for health of body and mind. Anything? Â Quoted from Beliefnet, here it is seven wonders can you get after crying and watery eyes.

1. Helps Eyesight
Tears turned out to help the vision of a person, not just the eye itself. Discharge from the eyes to prevent dehydration in the eye membrane that could make the vision become blurred.

2. Kill Bacteria
No need eye drops, tears enough that serves as a natural antibacterial. Contained in the tear fluid called lisozom that can kill around 90-95 percent of bacteria left over from the computer keyboard, railing, sneeze and the places that contain bacteria, in just five minutes.

3. Improve Mood
Someone who can cry because of lower levels of depression with crying, mood someone is going to rise again. Tears were generated from the type to cry with emotion contains 24 percent protein, albumin, which is useful in regulating the body's metabolism system than tears resulting from irritation of the eyes.

4. Removing Toxins
A biochemist William Frey had done some studies about tears and found that the tears that came out of the emotional cry because it contains toxic. But make no mistake, watering a poisonous it signifies that he brought the poison from the body and out through the eye.

5. Reducing Stress
How crying can reduce stress? Tears turned out to also release stress hormones in the body which contained leucine-enkaphalin endorphin and prolactin. In addition to lowering levels of stress, tears also help fight diseases caused by stress such as high blood pressure.

6. Building Community
In addition to good physical health, crying can also help someone build a community. Usually someone to cry after telling the problem in front of his friends or someone who can provide support, and this can increase the ability to communicate as well as socializing.

7. Comforting Feeling
Everyone seemed to feel that way. Although you are bothered by various kinds of problems and trials, but after crying usually will appear a sense of relief. After crying, the limbic system, brain and heart will become fluent, and it makes a person feel better and relieved. Remove it matter in your mind through tears, do not be buried because you can cry explosive.