Intelligence is one great gift from Allah to mankind and make it as one man advantage compared with other creatures. With his intelligence, human beings can continually maintain and improve their quality of life is increasingly complex, through a process of thinking and learning continuously.
In the view of psychology, real animals were given intelligence but in a very limited capacity. Therefore, to maintain its survival is instinctively more (instinctive). Based on the findings in the field of anthropology, we know that millions of years ago on this earth has ever lived creatures called dinosaurs, which is a kind of animal who are physically much larger and stronger than humans. But now they are extinct and we're only able to recognize them from fossils-fossils that are stored in a museum-specific museum. Might be, directly or indirectly, one of which caused their extinction by a factor that has limited intelligence. In this regard, human rightly grateful, although not physically so big and strong, but thanks to the intelligence that had so far man was still able to maintain the continuity of life and civilization.
So, what's the real intelligence? Actually, until recently even the experts seem to still have difficulties to find a comprehensive definition of intelligence. In this case, C.P. Chaplin (1975) gives the sense of intelligence as the ability to confront and adapt to new situations quickly and effectively. Meanwhile, Anita E. Woolfolk (1975) mengemukan that according to the old theory, the intelligence includes three terms, ie: (1) the ability to learn, (2) the overall knowledge gained, and (3) the ability to adapt to new situations or environments in general.
Indeed, initial studies on intelligence only limited ability of individuals linked with the cognitive aspects of Intellectual Intelligence or commonly called the singular, as developed by Charles Spearman (1904) with the theory of à ¢ â, ¬ Å "Two Factorà ¢ â, ¬ Â? ? her, or Thurstone (1938) with the theory à ¢ â, ¬ Å 'Primary Mental Abilitiesà ¢ â, ¬ Â? her. From this study, resulting in the grouping of human intelligence that is expressed in intelligent quotient (IQ), which is calculated based on the comparison between the level of mental ability (mental age) with age (Chronological age), range from the ability to category Ideot to Genius (Weschler in Nana Syaodih, 2005). IQ term was first introduced by Alfred Binet, a psychologist from France in the early second century 20. Later, Lewis Terman of Stanford University tried to standardize the tests developed by Binet IQ by considering the norms of the population so that hereinafter known as the Stanford-Binet test.
For years, IQ has been believed to be the standard size of intelligence, but in line with the challenges and the atmosphere of modern life that is totally complex, the size of this IQ standards and simultaneously triggered a fierce debate among academics exciting, educators, business practitioners and the public even laymen, especially when linked with the level of success or achievement in one's life.
Is Daniel Goleman (1999), one of the popularization of other types of human intelligence are regarded as important factors that could influence the achievement of a person, ie, Emotional Intelligence, which then we knew him called Emotional Quotient (EQ). Goleman suggests that emotional intelligence refers to the ability of recognizing our own feelings and the feelings of others, the ability to motivate yourself and the ability to manage emotions well in ourselves and in relationships with others.
Writer's opinion the real use of the term is not entirely appropriate EQ and impressed sterotype (latah) follows the popularity of IQ is earlier known. The use of the concept Quotient EQ is not clear in its formulation. Unlike IQ, there is clear understanding Quotient refers to the quotient between the mental age (mental age) that are generated through a rigorous psychological measurement with calendar age (age Chronological).
Apart from the à ¢ â, ¬ Å "kesalahkaprahanà ¢ â, ¬ Â? use of the term, there is one thing to be underlined from the à ¢ â, ¬ Å "the originator of the intelligence of the group along with followers emosionalà ⠢, ¬ â??, behold, the potential of individuals in the aspects à ¢ â, ¬ Å" non-intelektualà ¢ â, ¬ Â? related to attitudes, motivation, sosiabilitas, as well as aspects of à ¢ â, ¬ â € œ other emotional aspects, are the factors crucial to the achievement of a person's success.
In contrast to the intellectual intelligence (IQ), which tends to be permanent, emotional competence (EQ) was more likely to be studied and modified at anytime and by anyone who wishes to succeed or live performance.
Next Pekembangan in an effort to uncover the secrets of human intelligence is related to human nature as God's creatures. Intelelektual intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ) is considered still-materialistic sheer horizontal dimension (individual human beings and social beings) and have not touched the core issues concerning the nature of human life as God's creatures (the vertical dimension-the spiritual). Departing from the view that as good as any human beings with intellectual and emotional intelligence. at certain moments, through consideration of the functions of affective, cognitive, and human konatifnya will believe and accept without hesitation that there is something outside of himself a mighty force that exceeds any Court, including himself. Such appreciation by Zakiah Darajat (1970) is called a religious experience (religious experience).
Brightman (1956) explains that religious appreciation not only came to recognition for his kebaradaan, but also acknowledge Him as the source of noble values that regulates the eternal life of this great universe. Therefore, humans will be subject to and strive for full compliance with self-awareness and with delivery in the form of certain rituals, either individually or collectively, in a symbolic and tangible in the form of daily living (Abin Makmun Shamsuddin, 2003).
Scientific findings initiated by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, and research done by Michael Persinger in the 1990s, and research developed by VS Ramachandran in 1997 found the existence of God Spot in the human brain, which has a built-in is a spiritual center (spiritual centers), which is located between nerve and brain tissue. So also the result of research carried out by the Wolf Singer show the existence of neural processes in the human brain which is focused on uniting the business and give meaning in our life experience. A network that literally bind us together to experience life more meaningful. God Spot on there are actually human nature is the deepest (Ari Ginanjar, 2001). A Study of God Spot This in turn gave birth to the concept of Spiritual Intelligence, which is a human capacity related to the business of giving appreciation how that life is more meaningful. With the wrong term kaprahnya called Spiritual Quotient (SQ)
Long before the term was popularized Spiritual Intelligence or SQ, in 1938 Frankl has developed ideas about the meaning of life efforts. Proposed, that the meaning of life or logo must be sought by humans, that it contains the values: (1) creative value, (2) value of experience and (3) value of attitude. The meaning of life gained would make himself into a human being, one whose spiritual freedom which a man's freedom from the temptations of lust, greed, and an environment full of competition and conflict. To support the spiritual freedom demanded responsibility towards God, self and other humans. Being human is the awareness and responsibility (Sofyan S. Willis, 2005).
In Indonesia, the authors note there are two people who contributed in developing and popularizing the emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence that is KH Abdullah Gymnastiar or known AA Gym, a famous Preachers of Pesantren Daarut Tauhiid - Bangalore with his Soul Management and Ary Ginanjar, many young entrepreneurs who are engaged in the development of human resources with Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) him.
Of thinking gave birth to one Ary Ginanjar Agustian ESQ training model that has its own patents. ESQ training concept ala Ary Ginanjar Agustian stressed about: (1) Zero Mind Process, namely an attempt to clear his thoughts back to God Spot (nature), returning to the heart and mind that is independent and free from the chains, (2) Mental Building; namely an attempt to create a format based on the thinking and emotional self-awareness (self-awareness), and according to their conscience by referring to the Five Pillars of Faith, (3) Mission Statement, Building Character and Self-Controlling; that is efforts to produce a personal toughness (personal strength) with reference to the Five Pillars of Islam, (4) Strategic Collaboration; efforts to make alliances or synergies with other people or with the social environment to realize the social responsibility of individuals, and (5) Total Action; is an attempt to build social resilience (Ari Ginanjar, 2001).
Development of thinking about emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligences (SQ) to make proposals, and the meaning of intelligence more and more widely. Intelligence is no longer interpreted in terms of intellectual single course. According to Gardner that "a big mistake to assume that IQ is a single entity that remains, which can be measured by a test using a pencil and kertas". The result of smart thinking outlined in the book Frames of Mind .. In the book decisively to offer alternative visions and perspectives of human intelligence, which was then known by the term multiple intelligences (Multiple Intelligence) (Colin Rose and Malcolm Nicholl J., 2002).
Thanks to his intellectual intelligence, humans have been able to really explore the Moon and other space, creating an information and transportation technology that makes the world seem closer and more transparent, creating a nuclear bomb, as well as create other technology tools are super-sophisticated. But at the same time that the damage to total destruction had begun to appear. The natural environment was disturbed and not friendly anymore. Depleting the ozone layer which has caused global warming, floods and drought ensued everywhere mountains writhe and spewed hot clouds and lava. Bodily diseases previously unknown, begins to appear, such as Avian Influenza (Avian Influenza), AIDS and the types of other deadly diseases. In fact, socio-economic order into chaos because of human behavior and attitude that ignores the honesty and trust (corrupt behavior and manipulative behavior).
Humans have managed to create "giants teknologia" that can provide benefits to the interests of human life itself. But beside that, "giants teknologia" was getting ready to pounce and kill the man himself. Intellectual who is not accompanied by emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence, seems to only yield damage and destruction for himself and his life of mankind. Thus, if indeed in the end we had to suffer the same fate as dinosaurs?
With no intention to contrast what is most important, whether intellectual, emotional intelligence or spiritual intelligence, it is better we take an eclectic selection of the three choices. By borrowing the classic philosophy of the West Java communities, namely cageur, bageur, Bener clever tour, then we can draw the conclusion that intellectual intelligence (IQ) people become cageur and clever, with emotional intelligence (EQ) people become bageur, and with spiritual intelligence ( SQ) people become Bener. That's probably a wise choice for us as individuals and as educators (prospective educators)!
As a private, one of our major tasks in life is to try to develop all the potential (nature) of humanity that we have, through the efforts of learning (learning to do, learning to know (IQ), learning to be (SQ), and learning to live together (EQ), as well as trying to improve the quality of personal self-constantly, until in the end may be obtained self-actualization and achievement of real life (real achievement ').
As educators (educators candidates), to realize himself as a professional educator and meaningful, humanitarian tasks we are trying membelajarkan the learners to be able to develop all the potential (nature) of humanity who have, through a learning process approach and meaningful (meaningful learning) ( SQ), fun (Joyful Learning) (EQ) and challenging or problematic (problematical Learning) (IQ), which in turn can produce quality human resources in Indonesia are cageur, bageur, Bener, clever tour.
In closing this paper, let us ponder the phrase from Howard Gardner that: "YOU ARE NOT SMART BUT HOW YOU HOW TO BE SMART!"
Intelligence is one great gift from Allah to mankind and make it as one man advantage compared with other creatures. With his intelligence, human beings can continually maintain and improve their quality of life is increasingly complex, through a process of thinking and learning continuously.
In the view of psychology, real animals were given intelligence but in a very limited capacity. Therefore, to maintain its survival is instinctively more (instinctive). Based on the findings in the field of anthropology, we know that millions of years ago on this earth has ever lived creatures called dinosaurs, which is a kind of animal who are physically much larger and stronger than humans. But now they are extinct and we're only able to recognize them from fossils-fossils that are stored in a museum-specific museum. Might be, directly or indirectly, one of which caused their extinction by a factor that has limited intelligence. In this regard, human rightly grateful, although not physically so big and strong, but thanks to the intelligence that had so far man was still able to maintain the continuity of life and civilization.
So, what's the real intelligence? Actually, until recently even the experts seem to still have difficulties to find a comprehensive definition of intelligence. In this case, C.P. Chaplin (1975) gives the sense of intelligence as the ability to confront and adapt to new situations quickly and effectively. Meanwhile, Anita E. Woolfolk (1975) mengemukan that according to the old theory, the intelligence includes three terms, ie: (1) the ability to learn, (2) the overall knowledge gained, and (3) the ability to adapt to new situations or environments in general.
Indeed, initial studies on intelligence only limited ability of individuals linked with the cognitive aspects of Intellectual Intelligence or commonly called the singular, as developed by Charles Spearman (1904) with the theory of à ¢ â, ¬ Å "Two Factorà ¢ â, ¬ Â? ? her, or Thurstone (1938) with the theory à ¢ â, ¬ Å 'Primary Mental Abilitiesà ¢ â, ¬ Â? her. From this study, resulting in the grouping of human intelligence that is expressed in intelligent quotient (IQ), which is calculated based on the comparison between the level of mental ability (mental age) with age (Chronological age), range from the ability to category Ideot to Genius (Weschler in Nana Syaodih, 2005). IQ term was first introduced by Alfred Binet, a psychologist from France in the early second century 20. Later, Lewis Terman of Stanford University tried to standardize the tests developed by Binet IQ by considering the norms of the population so that hereinafter known as the Stanford-Binet test.
For years, IQ has been believed to be the standard size of intelligence, but in line with the challenges and the atmosphere of modern life that is totally complex, the size of this IQ standards and simultaneously triggered a fierce debate among academics exciting, educators, business practitioners and the public even laymen, especially when linked with the level of success or achievement in one's life.
Is Daniel Goleman (1999), one of the popularization of other types of human intelligence are regarded as important factors that could influence the achievement of a person, ie, Emotional Intelligence, which then we knew him called Emotional Quotient (EQ). Goleman suggests that emotional intelligence refers to the ability of recognizing our own feelings and the feelings of others, the ability to motivate yourself and the ability to manage emotions well in ourselves and in relationships with others.
Writer's opinion the real use of the term is not entirely appropriate EQ and impressed sterotype (latah) follows the popularity of IQ is earlier known. The use of the concept Quotient EQ is not clear in its formulation. Unlike IQ, there is clear understanding Quotient refers to the quotient between the mental age (mental age) that are generated through a rigorous psychological measurement with calendar age (age Chronological).
Apart from the à ¢ â, ¬ Å "kesalahkaprahanà ¢ â, ¬ Â? use of the term, there is one thing to be underlined from the à ¢ â, ¬ Å "the originator of the intelligence of the group along with followers emosionalà ⠢, ¬ â??, behold, the potential of individuals in the aspects à ¢ â, ¬ Å" non-intelektualà ¢ â, ¬ Â? related to attitudes, motivation, sosiabilitas, as well as aspects of à ¢ â, ¬ â € œ other emotional aspects, are the factors crucial to the achievement of a person's success.
In contrast to the intellectual intelligence (IQ), which tends to be permanent, emotional competence (EQ) was more likely to be studied and modified at anytime and by anyone who wishes to succeed or live performance.
Next Pekembangan in an effort to uncover the secrets of human intelligence is related to human nature as God's creatures. Intelelektual intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ) is considered still-materialistic sheer horizontal dimension (individual human beings and social beings) and have not touched the core issues concerning the nature of human life as God's creatures (the vertical dimension-the spiritual). Departing from the view that as good as any human beings with intellectual and emotional intelligence. at certain moments, through consideration of the functions of affective, cognitive, and human konatifnya will believe and accept without hesitation that there is something outside of himself a mighty force that exceeds any Court, including himself. Such appreciation by Zakiah Darajat (1970) is called a religious experience (religious experience).
Brightman (1956) explains that religious appreciation not only came to recognition for his kebaradaan, but also acknowledge Him as the source of noble values that regulates the eternal life of this great universe. Therefore, humans will be subject to and strive for full compliance with self-awareness and with delivery in the form of certain rituals, either individually or collectively, in a symbolic and tangible in the form of daily living (Abin Makmun Shamsuddin, 2003).
Scientific findings initiated by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, and research done by Michael Persinger in the 1990s, and research developed by VS Ramachandran in 1997 found the existence of God Spot in the human brain, which has a built-in is a spiritual center (spiritual centers), which is located between nerve and brain tissue. So also the result of research carried out by the Wolf Singer show the existence of neural processes in the human brain which is focused on uniting the business and give meaning in our life experience. A network that literally bind us together to experience life more meaningful. God Spot on there are actually human nature is the deepest (Ari Ginanjar, 2001). A Study of God Spot This in turn gave birth to the concept of Spiritual Intelligence, which is a human capacity related to the business of giving appreciation how that life is more meaningful. With the wrong term kaprahnya called Spiritual Quotient (SQ)
Long before the term was popularized Spiritual Intelligence or SQ, in 1938 Frankl has developed ideas about the meaning of life efforts. Proposed, that the meaning of life or logo must be sought by humans, that it contains the values: (1) creative value, (2) value of experience and (3) value of attitude. The meaning of life gained would make himself into a human being, one whose spiritual freedom which a man's freedom from the temptations of lust, greed, and an environment full of competition and conflict. To support the spiritual freedom demanded responsibility towards God, self and other humans. Being human is the awareness and responsibility (Sofyan S. Willis, 2005).
In Indonesia, the authors note there are two people who contributed in developing and popularizing the emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence that is KH Abdullah Gymnastiar or known AA Gym, a famous Preachers of Pesantren Daarut Tauhiid - Bangalore with his Soul Management and Ary Ginanjar, many young entrepreneurs who are engaged in the development of human resources with Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) him.
Of thinking gave birth to one Ary Ginanjar Agustian ESQ training model that has its own patents. ESQ training concept ala Ary Ginanjar Agustian stressed about: (1) Zero Mind Process, namely an attempt to clear his thoughts back to God Spot (nature), returning to the heart and mind that is independent and free from the chains, (2) Mental Building; namely an attempt to create a format based on the thinking and emotional self-awareness (self-awareness), and according to their conscience by referring to the Five Pillars of Faith, (3) Mission Statement, Building Character and Self-Controlling; that is efforts to produce a personal toughness (personal strength) with reference to the Five Pillars of Islam, (4) Strategic Collaboration; efforts to make alliances or synergies with other people or with the social environment to realize the social responsibility of individuals, and (5) Total Action; is an attempt to build social resilience (Ari Ginanjar, 2001).
Development of thinking about emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligences (SQ) to make proposals, and the meaning of intelligence more and more widely. Intelligence is no longer interpreted in terms of intellectual single course. According to Gardner that "a big mistake to assume that IQ is a single entity that remains, which can be measured by a test using a pencil and kertas". The result of smart thinking outlined in the book Frames of Mind .. In the book decisively to offer alternative visions and perspectives of human intelligence, which was then known by the term multiple intelligences (Multiple Intelligence) (Colin Rose and Malcolm Nicholl J., 2002).
Thanks to his intellectual intelligence, humans have been able to really explore the Moon and other space, creating an information and transportation technology that makes the world seem closer and more transparent, creating a nuclear bomb, as well as create other technology tools are super-sophisticated. But at the same time that the damage to total destruction had begun to appear. The natural environment was disturbed and not friendly anymore. Depleting the ozone layer which has caused global warming, floods and drought ensued everywhere mountains writhe and spewed hot clouds and lava. Bodily diseases previously unknown, begins to appear, such as Avian Influenza (Avian Influenza), AIDS and the types of other deadly diseases. In fact, socio-economic order into chaos because of human behavior and attitude that ignores the honesty and trust (corrupt behavior and manipulative behavior).
Humans have managed to create "giants teknologia" that can provide benefits to the interests of human life itself. But beside that, "giants teknologia" was getting ready to pounce and kill the man himself. Intellectual who is not accompanied by emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence, seems to only yield damage and destruction for himself and his life of mankind. Thus, if indeed in the end we had to suffer the same fate as dinosaurs?
With no intention to contrast what is most important, whether intellectual, emotional intelligence or spiritual intelligence, it is better we take an eclectic selection of the three choices. By borrowing the classic philosophy of the West Java communities, namely cageur, bageur, Bener clever tour, then we can draw the conclusion that intellectual intelligence (IQ) people become cageur and clever, with emotional intelligence (EQ) people become bageur, and with spiritual intelligence ( SQ) people become Bener. That's probably a wise choice for us as individuals and as educators (prospective educators)!
As a private, one of our major tasks in life is to try to develop all the potential (nature) of humanity that we have, through the efforts of learning (learning to do, learning to know (IQ), learning to be (SQ), and learning to live together (EQ), as well as trying to improve the quality of personal self-constantly, until in the end may be obtained self-actualization and achievement of real life (real achievement ').
As educators (educators candidates), to realize himself as a professional educator and meaningful, humanitarian tasks we are trying membelajarkan the learners to be able to develop all the potential (nature) of humanity who have, through a learning process approach and meaningful (meaningful learning) ( SQ), fun (Joyful Learning) (EQ) and challenging or problematic (problematical Learning) (IQ), which in turn can produce quality human resources in Indonesia are cageur, bageur, Bener, clever tour.
In closing this paper, let us ponder the phrase from Howard Gardner that: "YOU ARE NOT SMART BUT HOW YOU HOW TO BE SMART!"
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